4 Ways Diabetics Can Halt a Hypoglycemic Attack in Its Tracks

The first step when you notice hypoglycemic symptoms coming on is to stop what you are doing immediately. It may be tempting to try to push through the initial shakiness and anxiety, but your body might not recover on its own. Diabetics, in particular, are at risk of their blood sugar continuing to drop until they enter a comatose state.

Sit down and assess your symptoms. If you are driving, consider pulling over, so you aren’t on the road in the middle of an attack.

Check Your Blood Glucose Levels

This will give you an idea of whether you are just a little low or need a more serious intervention. The more intense your symptoms, the more likely you are in the middle of a severe attack. If your meter reads less than 70 mg/dL, then you are hypoglycemic.

Straight Up Eat Some Sugar

Yes, everyone says to avoid simple carbs and sugars. However, this is one time when it is recommended. When you’re experiencing low blood sugar, you need to raise those levels as soon as possible by consuming between 15 to 30 grams of easily absorbed sugar.

The body’s cells use glucose, so you want to focus on eating this to boost your levels. There are many products on the market containing glucose, such as white sugar and corn syrup (even cough drops!). You may also want to carry glucose tablets if you’re prone to sudden dips in blood sugar.

Try to avoid foods with protein or fats—at least at first. These nutrients will slow digestion, hindering your body’s ability to absorb the sugars the food contains.

Retest Your Blood Glucose in 15 Minutes

If your levels are still below 100 mg/dl, then you’ll want to eat another 15 grams of sugar or simple carbs. Wait another 15 minutes and test again. If it’s still low, munch on simple carb sources again, and so on, until your blood glucose is within safe levels.

Have a Healthy Snack

When your levels are back up again, it’s time to eat something with complex carbohydrates, protein, or a little bit of fat. This will help stabilize your blood sugar levels, preventing them from spiking and dropping again.

[expand title=”References“]

How To Treat Low Blood Sugar Effectively. URL Link. Accessed April 21, 2017.

Treating Low Blood Sugar. URL Link. Accessed April 21, 2017.

Hypoglycemia: Treatment and Drugs. URL Link. Accessed April 21, 2017.


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