5 Daily Habits That Are Making Your Diabetes Worse

Humans are funny creatures, aren’t we?

We love habits, we love rituals, and we are stubbornly attached to things that we are familiar with. But if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, then your habits just aren’t cutting it. So time to makes a few changes!

Here are 5 habits that are wrecking your diabetes health:

#1 Too Much Screen Time

Listen, we get it: anything behind a screen is just too interesting to quit. But using a screen to entertain yourself can be super dangerous. Why? Because electronics are like a vortex that sucks you in for hours at a time without any beneficial gain. Instead, you sit in one semi-comfortable spot without moving so much as to lift a glass of water to your lips.

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the major causes of type 2 diabetes, and the screens are no help. Designate a very specific and limited time for mindless screen time and then get up and do something else.

#2 Overdoing the Healthy Stuff

Green smoothies, Buddha bowls, and delicious salads are all a part of a healthy diet…


Well, kind of. Unless your green smoothie has milk, peanut butter, honey, oats, seeds, protein powder … do you see where I’m going with this? A green smoothie can definitely offer you a lot of nutrition but take it easy. Don’t overload your healthy foods to the point of making them unhealthy.

#3 Not Enough Vegetables

We know vegetables are good for us (duh!), so you should probably make an effort to get them into your diet. But a scoop of steamed broccoli three times a week just isn’t enough. Sorry! Instead, try incorporating vegetables into every single meal, every single day. The more, the better.

#4 Out of Control Portion Sizes

Somehow, western cultures have developed this mentality of “more is better.” But that’s not true. More food is not better. Just because it’s a great deal (a family-sized pizza for $10!), it does not mean that you need to eat it all. Eat until you’re about 80% full and then slow the heck down. Let your body tell you if you need more. And then stop eating when you’re full!

#5 Drinks

I love tasty drinks. I mean, who doesn’t? But if I’m drinking anything other than water all day, then not only am I not drinking water but I am also cramming unnecessary calories in. Cut back on all of your drinks and just stick with water. It’s simple, healthy, and honestly delicious.

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Reader’s Digest. URL Link. Retrieved May 5, 2017.


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