Can You Overdose on Insulin?

dangers of overdosing on insulin

Insulin is an extremely important hormone. If you have diabetes, insulin medication could be all you need to manage your condition. But is it possible to take too much of it?

This article gives a quick overview of the dangers of overdosing on insulin.

Symptoms of an Insulin Overdose

If there is too much insulin in your body, your blood sugar levels will drop. This can be extremely dangerous and even fatal. Here are the most important physical signs you should look out for:

  • Dizziness and a tendency to fall
  • Blurry vision
  • Irritability and confusion
  • Sweating and heart issues
  • Shakiness and fatigue

But this doesn’t cover all the dangers of overdosing on insulin.

If your insulin levels get too high, you might lose your consciousness. In this case, immediate medical attention is necessary.

A coma is a possibility if you don’t get help. It could be fatal as well.

What about Treatment?

If your insulin overdose is mild, it could be enough to eat the right kind of snack. Restoring your blood sugar levels with food should ease the symptoms of your mild overdose. Relaxation is important as well.

You should definitely keep in mind that insulin overdose makes it dangerous to drive. Additionally, many people find it difficult to walk while the symptoms last. Always take your time before you continue your daily routine.

But what about intense overdosing? You will need emergency medical treatment because the dangers of overdosing on insulin are severe. A glucagon kit can be crucial as well.

A Final Word

Insulin overdose usually happens because of carelessness. Hence, you should make sure to keep to your prescribed schedule no matter what.

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