Does the Way You Prepare Meat Affect Your Diabetes Risk?

high-heat cooking and diabetes

A meat-based diet carries many health risks, especially if the meat in question is red or processed meat. Studies have heavily linked these two types of meat with colorectal cancer. A recent study also suggests that the way we cook meat could be as important as the type of meat we consume. However, this study connects meat with diabetes, rather than cancer.

So, is there a link between high-heat cooking and diabetes?

High-heat Cooking and Diabetes Study

These findings were first published in the Diabetes Care journal. The team of Harvard scientists found that broiling, grilling, and similar high-heat cooking techniques can increase the risk of diabetes by 50%. The study included more than 280,000 people who were followed for more than a decade.

High-heat cooking was connected with weight gain and obesity as well, which can also put you at a higher risk of developing diabetes. And, since meat consumption by itself can increase diabetes risk, the scientists proved that high-heat cooking techniques contribute to the problem by themselves, independently of meat consumption alone.

Causes and Recommendations

The reason for this connection remains unknown, although scientists suspect that certain chemicals released during high-heat cooking may be to blame. These harmful chemicals could affect our insulin production and insulin resistance which can make it hard for our body to regulate glucose levels.

As a final recommendation, scientists suggest that we should substitute grilling, roasting, broiling, and similar methods with boiling, steaming and stir-frying. Additionally, we should substitute processed and red meat with fish, chicken, and protein-rich vegetables.


The connection between high-heat cooking and diabetes gives us another reason for avoiding these techniques that have already been linked to cancer. Introduce some healthier meats and cooking methods to preserve your health.

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