3 Tips to Manage Diabetes at an Advanced Age

diabetes at an advanced age

Diabetes management is a habit like any other. But as you age, you might have to change your usual routine. Managing diabetes at an advanced age presents a unique set of challenges.

Here are some things you should keep in mind about the changing needs of older diabetics:

You Might Have to Rethink Your Exercise Regime

Physical activity is as important as ever in old age. It can help you keep your diabetes under control. Additionally, it’s the key to keeping your weight under control.

However, there are some safety considerations you should take into account. Older people cannot work out the way that they used to because some types of exercise become too risky.

Low Blood Sugar Is More of a Problem

Many experts believe that treating diabetes at an advanced age means decreasing insulin levels. It’s very important to keep in mind that too much insulin can lead to dizziness. Since falls can be dangerous, older diabetics should be extremely careful.

Too much insulin can lead to confusion and irritability as well. Doctors should make sure to match their patients’ needs exactly. A less intense treatment plan is also much easier to follow even if you have memory problems.

Older Diabetics Might Need Some Help

Many practical issues come with managing diabetes at an advanced age. For example, older diabetics may find it more challenging to use needles.

If there are any cognitive issues, keeping to a schedule can be a problem. Using new forms of blood testing can be a challenge as well.

Older people with diabetes need the support of family and friends. But in some cases, hiring professional aid can also be a good choice.

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