Can Diabetes Cause Yeast Infections?

link between diabetes and yeast infections

If you are diabetic, your condition could be leaving your open for yeast infections. Yeast infections are a common ailment amongst women, but what does diabetes have to do with it? Studies have shown a link between diabetes and yeast infections.

Vaginal yeast infections, or vulvovaginal candidiasis and vaginal candidiasis, is a common complaint from women. The infection happens when the yeast, Candida, multiplies in the body. Candida normally lives benignly in the body. But, if the yeast multiplies inside the vagina it can cause an infection. This infection changes the growth pattern of the candida yeast.

High Sugar Levels

Since diabetes deals primarily in blood glucose levels, it would naturally have a link to any fungus living in the body. Most fungi feed on glucose. And, if you have out of control blood sugar levels it can appear in your sweat as well as your blood and other body fluids. Since the yeast lives on top of the skin, as well as other internal parts of the body, the extra sugar provides a buffet for the yeast to feed on.

A study points to hyperglycemia as one of the main reasons why diabetic women are so vulnerable to vaginal yeast infections. Hyperglycemia is when your blood sugar level is very high. If you are diabetic, but not paying much attention to your sugar levels, this is one condition you can develop.

Compromised Immune System

Another reason for yeast infections in diabetic women could be an impaired immune system. Mismanaging your blood sugar levels can do more harm than your development of hyperglycemia. Your immune system may start to respond poorly. If this happens, infections that a normal healthy immune system may have previously fought off take root in a body with a poor immune system.

Final Thoughts

Though your diabetic condition may not be the only reason for your yeast infections, it is certainly a factor. Because of the link between diabetes and yeast infections, women should be especially careful with keeping blood sugar levels at manageable levels.

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