How Oral Hygiene is Connected to Diabetes (+The Health Craze You Need to Try!)

Diabetes is linked with an endless list of complications, one of which is gum disease. It turns out that there is a strong connection between diabetes and gum disease, more than we might expect. Unfortunately, not only does this make diabetes even more complicated than it already is but it also can lead to further problems with the immune system. The immune system, it seems, is intimately connected with your oral hygiene so it’s important to take good care of your mouth!

Read this article until the end as I will be sharing a new health craze that might be worth trying out.

The Oral-Diabetes Link

Research has been exploring the link between gum disease and diabetes for quite some time now. Lately, though, scientists have been realizing that it’s not necessarily a one-way relationship. This means that while diabetes can definitely lead to gum disease, it appears that gum disease can also be a precursor for diabetes.

This relationship all comes down to blood glucose (of course it does). Elevated levels can create an imbalance in the bacteria in the mouth, causing the gums to break down and become infected.

In fact, dentists were able to identify people with diabetes just by inspecting their gums, according to one study published in 2011.

How Oral Hygiene Affects the Rest of Your Body

Your mouth is sort of a portal to the body, the gatekeeper of your body’s overall health. Oral problems are notoriously known as red flags for diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and even premature birth.

The actual reason behind this connection is still unclear. Researchers believe that the bacteria and inflammation in the mouth—which is the same that is found in the rest of the diseased body—may be carried from the mouth into the bloodstream (eventually). The theory is that by maintaining a healthy mouth environment, you can help prevent disease as well.

How Oil Pulling Can Help

Oil pulling, like many ancient natural remedies, has become quite popular in recent years. Many people claim that it can cure virtually any ailment, most notably skin issues, fatigue, digestion issues, and oral problems.

The idea is that the oil, which is swished around in the mouth for 20 minutes before being spit into a trash bin, pulls toxins, bacteria, and the likes from the tissues in your mouth, thus preventing them from spreading to the rest of the body.

It is true that many users find that their teeth become whiter, their breath smells fresher, and their allergies clear up. Further benefits are a bit more difficult to follow, though.

Either way, doctors do recognize that this ancient method does confer benefits for oral hygiene. This helps support the overall immune system in the process.

Whether your mouth is showing signs of gum disease or you are prepping yourself against it in the future, it might be worth adding this to your morning routine! Of course, if you already have advanced gum disease, consult with your dentist and doctor for treatment.

[expand title=”References“]

America Diabetes Association. URL Link. Accessed March 6, 2017.

Live Science. URL Link. Accessed March 6, 2017.

Dr. Axe. URL Link. Accessed March 6, 2017.

Jezebel. URL Link. Accessed March 6, 2017.

The Alternative Daily. URL Link. Accessed March 6, 2017.


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