Learn How Smart Snacking Can Provide You with Better Control Over Your Blood Sugar

Registered nutritionist Charles Smigelski insists that a composition of meals and snacks that include protein, nuts, fruit, seeds, and starches for sugar and fat control are essential to controlling diabetes.

Managing blood sugar levels is an around the clock preoccupation with diabetics to ensure they do not experience energy dips that can make them weak. A proper diet ensures balance and helps fuel diabetics properly throughout the day.

Noting that protein consumption is of enormous importance as people age, Smi­gelski suggests embracing a diet that includes beans and nuts. He also recommends salmon, rich in omega-3 fatty acids as part of a recommended regime that will ensure better blood sugar control.

Seeds are essential in helping get oils into your body and improve cholesterol. When meals are balanced and full of protein and essential fats, Smigelski insists blood sugars remain balanced, preventing an insulin rush and keeping one from indulging in cravings that will set your blood sugar count soaring.

The dietician insists that it is of the utmost importance that every meal include some fruit or a grain, but not both, to ensure that your blood sugar does not spike too dramatically.

Smigelski believes that combining a sound diet along with exercise is the best way to manage the disease. By combining exercise with pro­biotics naturally fed to our systems via fruits and vegetables, he insists that you will help keep your gut bacteria in check that will provide an optimal extraction of nutrients by our bodies to combat your blood sugar issues. He also recommends yogurt but only those with acidophilus culture for the right assortment of microbiotic bacteria in the gut. In­crea­singly nutrition is being regarded as a profound way to re­duce the impacts and de­pendency on medicines to treat diabetes, according to several articles in The New England Journal of Medi­cine.

To prevent hunger swings, Smigelski suggests snacks at morning, afternoon and evening. He suggests Greek yogurt, smoked almonds, a small piece of high-quality dark chocolate, and berries to tide you over between meals.

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Blood Glucose Control: What to Eat, Part I