Pre-Diabetes: How to Turn It Around and Get Healthy Again

Pre-Diabetes: How to Turn It Around and Get Healthy Again

Your doctor has told you that you suffer from pre-diabetes and may develop full-blown diabetes. So, what do you do now? This article examines pre-diabetes: how to turn it around and get healthy again, to give you to best chance of staying healthy.

Here are some basic tips to manage your pre-diabetes diagnosis. Taking your diagnosis seriously and making necessary lifestyle changes is essential, and your doctor can advise you how to turn things around.

Pre-Diabetes: How to Turn It Around and Get Healthy Again

  • Exercise Regularly. Exercise helps you to maintain a healthy weight, while also reducing blood glucose levels.
  • Lose Weight if Necessary. If you are overweight, the risks of developing diabetes are much higher. Try and shed the extra weight through good food choices and a sensible exercise regime.
  • Work with Your Doctor. Your physician is in the best position to advise you on your diet and fitness program. Go for regular checkups and follow your physician’s advice.
  • Enjoy a Healthy Diet. Making good food choices can help to lower the risks of your prediabetes developing into diabetes. Choose whole grains, vegetables, high-fiber foods, low-fat foods, and low-calorie foods.
  • Get enough Sleep. A lack of sleep makes it harder for the body to utilize insulin, so make sure you get enough.
  • Get Help and Do Your Research. Take your pre-diabetes diagnosis on board. Find out more about the condition and how to best manage it. In addition, enlist the help of your doctor and listen to her/his advice.
  • Commit to Your Lifestyle Changes. You need to make lifestyle changes and commit fully if you want to turn things around and enjoy good health in the long run.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have pre-diabetes: how to turn it around and get healthy again. Follow these tips and you lower the risk of developing full-blown diabetes.

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