Recipe Ideas for a Perfect Thanksgiving Dinner

Pumpkin pie, mashed potato with gravy, stuffed turkey, green bean casserole. Ah, the Thanksgiving classics. Too bad these comforting dishes can hide a serious amount of calories. Thanksgiving can be both the best and worst time to binge.

But Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be your weight (and blood sugar) worst enemy. These following resources are chock-filled with diabetic friendly recipes that guarantee to rock your family’s Thanksgiving feast – without leaving you overwhelm with guilt when you hop on the scale the next morning.

The Perfect Diabetes Comfort Food Collection. This recently released cookbook is written by Robyn Webb, MS, an “award-winning cookbook author, nutritionist and food editor of Diabetes Forecast.” Approved by the American Diabetes Association (ADA), this cookbook promises to become the “go-to classic in homes” and features 90 succulent recipes. Five stars rating on Amazon!

Recipes for Healthy Living. Created by the ADA, this website includes recipes and healthy tips to help you manage your diabetes.

DLife. This website includes more than 1000 recipes to keep you busy in the kitchen.

Diabetic Living. Grab hold of the 2-for-1-deal before it’s too late! For 9$, you get 4 Diabetic Issues, 6 AllRecipes issues, and 2 free cookbooks.

SOSCuisine. A Montreal-based company that offers personalized meal plans and a collection of easy-peasy recipes.

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