Sugar Off

As an ever-increasing rise in the number of people who either have diabetes or pre-diabetes international and U.S. recommendations suggest that curbing excessive sugar consumption is essential to controlling the disease.

Studies in the United States note that upward to 40 percent of Americans suffer from prediabetes (blood sugar levels are high, but not a diabetic levels).

As our population ages and grows heavier and heavier the number of people who have issues controlling their blood sugar levels has climbed as a consequence.

Just twenty years ago one in 10 adults had diabetes while now the number is closer to one in seven. Add to that another 38 percent of the population whose blood sugar levels put them on the cusp of the disease.

So if you’re worried that you might be prediabetic here are some tips to prevent the disease from becoming full blown.

– Lose some weight. Just losing seven percent of your body weight will reduce your risk of become a full blown diabetic by 50 percent.

– Exercise more. Even walking just 30 minutes a day with strengthen your heart, muscles and promote increased flexibility.

– Consult a medical professional. Although the drug metformin is an effective treatment for combating prediabetes only five percent of people with the condition are using the drug. So consult your doctor about medications that can help.

A more proactive approach can help you avoid many of the potential long-term health problems associated with diabetes and help you enjoy a better quality of life. And part of that proactive approach includes cutting back on the amount of sugar you consume.

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