The Baby Food Diet

After the Paleo, Atkins, and the Cabbage Soup diet, a new player decided to join the long-list of fad diets.

Allow me to introduce you to the current Hollywood trendy diet: the Baby Food Diet.

Svelte celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Madonna, Lady Gaga, and Reese Witherspoon have been rumored to swear by this diet. (Seriously, how do these diets come about?)

Are you ready to rekindle with your babyhood?

What is the Baby Food Diet?

The Baby Food Diet consists of replacing a few meals and/or snacks with baby food jars. The calorie content of these jars varies between 20 to 100 calories. Mind you that the goal of this diet is not to shed weight. Instead, it is more so designed to maintain a person’s weight.

Finding a complete A to Z recipe for this diet is difficult. Some self-proclaim “experts” recommend eating 14 jars of baby food during the day and an adult-worthy-meal for supper.

The Baby Food Diet was created by celebrity fitness trainer Tracy Anderson.

My Thoughts

It has been more than 20 years since I’ve tasted baby foods, and I have no intention of rekindling my relationship with them. Having said that, some of my friends surprisingly love the taste of them and enjoy them as a snack (no, they are not following the Baby Food Diet).

You don’t need to be a dietitian to know that no one can follow through with this diet after having to sink their teeth into a juicy hunk of steak. After all, there is a reason why we outgrew this diet.

Here are three reasons why this diet is never going to work out for you:

Nutritional Value. Like the name implies, baby foods are meant for babies. If you are a +20-year-old young man or woman, you can be sure that your needs are far different from a baby.

Palatability. Try eating foods in their pureed form. I can assure you that you will not last for long. I’ve worked with people with dysphagia who are on a pureed-only diet, and it’s 180° different from biting into one, no matter how flavorful the pureed version taste like. After all, the texture of foods accounts for a huge part of the eating experience.

Satiety/Fatigue. People who have followed this diet complaint about hunger. These comments are not surprising considering that one tiny little jar contains less than 100 calories, and adult meals typically carries +400 calories.

As a food addict, I am dreading the day when I will lose all my teeth, own a poorly adjusted denture, and condemn to eat pureed foods for the rest of my existing. No way am I going to hurry the process by starting it now.

Will you?

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