7 Tips for Type 2 Diabetes Control


#1 Balanced meals

Eat three balanced meals every day. Avoid skipping meals. Snacks are not always necessary. However, if you feel hungry between meals of your diabetic medications require them, eat a nutritious snack. For example:

  • During the day: 1 fresh fruit or 175 g (3&4 cup) of yogurt
  • In the evening: 1 slice of toast with 15 mL (1 tbsp) of peanut butter (preferably natural since it has no sugar added) or 250 mL (1 cup) of milk.

Raw veggies can be eaten any time of the day

#2 Get moving

Physical activity offers many benefits for people with diabetes. To get maximum benefits, here are a few recommendations:


  • Do 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (walking at a brisk pace, swimming, aquafitness, dancing, cycling, etc.) most days of the week. This activity can also be divided into ten-minute sessions.
  • Add two sessions of resistance exercises using elastic bands or light weights each week.
  • Take advantage of your daily activities (household chores, gardening, etc.) to get moving, and embrace active ways of getting around (walking, cycling, roller-blading, etc.).

#3 Snack!

Eat your meals and snacks at regular hours. Space your meals at 4 to 6-hour intervals and, if needed, eat snacks 2 to 3 hours after meals.

#4 Fiber up!

Go for high-fiber foods: whole grain bread, high-fiber cereals, legumes, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

#5 No more sugar (or limited)

Limit your intake of sugar-rich foods with little nutritional value: donuts, cookies, fruit drinks, soft drinks, candies, brown sugar, sugar-rich cereals, chocolate, jam, cakes, molasses, honey, pastries, syrups, sugar, pies, etc. If you eat these foods, eat tiny servings and then, only occasionally.

If you use sugar substitutes (e.g., aspartame, cyclamate, saccharine, sucralose, stevia) or food products containing them, do so in moderation.

#6 Hydrate

Drink water regularly to quench your thirst. Choose water for your daily beverage.

#7 Less booze

If you drink alcohol such as wine, beer or spirits, do so while eating. Limit yourself to one or two drinks a day, but don’t drink alcohol every day. Alcoholic beverages can raise or lower your blood sugar level. They can also cause weight gain because they are a source of calories.

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